Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mountain pie maker

Have you ever heard of a mountain pie? Well, coming from a family that does about as much camping as we do traveling to the moon, I had never heard of one. And if you've never heard of a mountain pie, then you surely have never heard of a mountain pie maker. One of my roommates introduced them to me a few weeks ago, and let me tell you - I have been seriously missing out!


  1. YES YES YES. oh my gosh - you don't know how excited this made me. I go on annual all-girls camping trips every summer, and one of my closest friends has a few of these from her family camping days. Each year, they get placed first on "what to bring" list. And we're going next weekend - and I can't wait to whip myself up something good!

  2. I can't believe I didn't know about this sooner! It is totally awesome. What else do you guys put inside? We had some with cherry pie filling inside.. YUM.

  3. I love hot ham and cheeses, or some cheese and pepperoni...

    Ooh cherry pie filling! Did you use bread or some other type of wrap?
